Know Your Place! Shut Your Face!
Excellent rennovations of classic propaganda posters.
Know Your Place! Shut Your Face!
Excellent rennovations of classic propaganda posters.
I have added permalinks to my template.
The little “#” sign at the end of every post links to a permenent copy of the post, so you can link to a specific post without worrying about it scrolling down and off the bottom of the page.
AT&T Long Lines Microwave Towers Remembered
I love this sort of thing. Infrastructure is cool. “Ruins” are even cooler.
8/21/2005 Updated link
From here on out, I am going to be putting links I find interesting in . This page will be limited to things I think I have something to say about.
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters
American Tower is selling nearly 2000 old AT&T Long Line microwave locations that are no longer needed thanks to fiber.
I want