I’m trying to find something I came across yesterday or the day before. Something about a social networking application that lets you register a profile and then see the profile’s of the other people using the net cafe you are in.
I’d remember I’d seen something on “Ask Metafilter”:http://ask.metafilter.com , but Ask Metafilter has been down for the past 30 minutes at least. I thought maybe it was popular with the Del.icio.us, and I like the “fac.etio.us”:http://fac.etio.us interface to Del.icio.us data, but I found fac.etio.us was down when I visited.
What the hell? And why did I waste 7 minutes writing about it? And why have you wasted however long it took you to read this far? Man, do we suck, or what?