Category Archives: General

Sarah Palin doesn’t respect you

I couldn’t bring myself to consume the entire VP debate last night. I watched some, I listened some, and then I retreated and skimmed some of the post-debate commentary.

What I heard last night was Sarah Palin all but ignoring the questions she was asked, clumsily transitioning to talking points on often unrelated subjects, and then messily vomiting out a burst of prepackaged buzzwords. The commentary suggests that was pretty much how the whole debate went.

I’m not suprised by her MO, and I’m not surprised that she looked better in the debate than she did in interviews. Interviewers have more latitude to probe her. While I was listening, Biden did a pretty good job of pointing out how evasive she was, but he had to balance that against, well, actually answereing questions.

This is not to say that Biden, like all politicians, didn’t tend to answer the questions he wanted to be asked, rather than the question he was asked, but at least his answers were on roughly the same subject as the questions. Palin was so often answering completely different questions. It was like she answered “I can play flute!” when asked about global warming. It’s like she has no respect for the interviewer, or any of the audience either.

In the end, nothing about her performance reassured me about her competence and ability. She still reminds me of Bush in a skirt: over confident, under competent.

I hope Palin will do a few more interviews before the election. Unless she was outright faking in her earlier interviews, I don’t think she’ll be able to hide behind her “strengths.”.

It may not matter though, it’s hard to imagine that future interviews will attract as much attention as the first set of intervews, or the debate, and so it seems, to the casual observer, her performance in the debate may redeem her. It is doubtful that that will be enough to save John McCain, but it may be enough for her to climb another rung on the political ladder, and that seems to be what’s most important to the sort of person who believes their own bullshit.

Test your web design in different browsers – Browsershots

Browsershots is an awesome tool for web development. Why, you may ask, is it so awesome? Well, let me tell you!Firefox 1.5 on Linux

  1. It lets you see screenshots of how your pages render in multiple versions of dozens of different browsers on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and FreeBSD
  2. It’s Free! You submit a request to their central server. Machines of volunteers process requests and upload the result for you to view. In my experience, it doesn’t take very long, but if you need faster turnaround, you can pay for priority service
  3. You can help out. You can set up a computer with some unusual browsers and install a small software package so it can help process requests.
  4. If you are worried about confidentiality, or you just want more predictable levels of service, you can download the software and set up your own browser farm.
  5. It is open source and it has an API, so you can improve and customize it.


I am again contemplating what to do about this blog. I’ve been putting sharing a lot of stuff on facebook and friendfeed, but neither one really lends itself to adding much commentary to the item. That’s not all bad, I’ve often felt that my posts here could be more concise, but I’d like a better option.

The Media isn’t Running For President

Once again, the Republicans are running against the media, complaining about liberal bias, whining about how poor Sarah Palin is a victim.

I’m sick of it. The media is not and never will be President of the United States. Quit your bitching.

Oh, BTW, of all the people running for the Whitehouse, only one has been part of the media. That would be Sarah Palin.

Obama insider leaks running mate to the AP

The Obama campaign generated
Quite a bit of buzz by promising to announce Obama’s choice of running mate via text messages.

Apparently at least one campaign insider wasn’t quite on board, because tonight they told someone from the AP that Obama had chosen Joe Biden as his running mate. Or maybe they were on board, but were a little confused. Apparently they leaked the info anonymously because, somehow, they thought that would avoid preempting the text messaged announcement on Saturday morning.

Stupid? Naive? Cynical? You be the judge.