Wrong about Iraq
- No link to 9/11
- No WMDs
- 1000 US dead
- Rising casualty rate
- Declining amount of territory under our control
- $200,000,000,000 (billion) spent
- No end in sight
Wrong about Iraq
Wacko conspiracy theory
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In Russia they have “elected” the poster-boy for hard-assed, steely-eyed power-politics, and look how that is turning out for them. Having a paranoid, hard-line, hard-hitting authoritarian in power is no guarentee against terror – in fact, it seems to attract bombers like bees to honey.
I was just reading a blog called “democrats for bush.” (i’m not going to do the owner the favor of linking to it) The author seems to feel the left isn’t hardnosed enough on the issue of terrorism. In some ways, I agree about the positions of some on the left. Even so, I don’t get how he moves from such a blanket generalization to the point of endorsing Bush.
Somehow he seems to believe that Bush is doing a great job in the war on terror. Why isn’t clear. Why he accepts that invading Iraq has anything to do with the war on terror is even less clear, especially when the rhetoric he uses seems to match the administrations own shifting rationale that now emphasizes liberation of the Iraqi people as the justifcation for invading, which in my mind has less to do with a war on terror than the origianl WMD rationale.
I ended up writing a long rant as a reply to one of his posts, but it was rejected for being too long, so I’m just posting it here as an extended entry. Continue reading
Look at these pictures. Now ask yourself, what would drive this red faced man with the slack expression back to the bottle again so many years after finding Jesus and cleaning up his act?
Is it the realization that after 3 years in office the economy is still languishing despite running up huge deficits? Is it the realization that the Iraq war has distracted from the real war on terror?
Ask your friends and colleagues if they know why Bush is drinking again?
Note The question is not: “Is Bush drinking again?” The question is “Why is Bush drinking again?” If you ask the latter, and someone asks the former in response, simply restate the proper question: “Why is Bush drinking again?”
It looks like President Carter is questioning Zell Miller’s credentials as a Democrat too. (Not to mention his honor)
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: September 05, 2004 – September 11, 2004 Archives