Category Archives: Stupid Tricks

Stupid Microsoft AntiSpyware Trick

I’ve been running the Microsoft AntiSpyware beta on this machine for a few days now. Shortly after installing it, I noticed a notification window fly from the bottom of my screen, up the side and off the top. I thought it was weird, but explorer was behaving strangely anyway, so I didn’t think to much of it.

Until today. Today I wrote a little cmd file that will pause for 4 minutes and then play a chime to use as a countdown timer to keep my on task. Problem was, the script wouldn’t run. Instead an antispyware notification would fly over the side of my screen, too quickly to do anything about it.

I looked around for any reports of similar behavior in Microsoft’s support site, and via google and found nothing. My first thought was that it was a preverse revenge tactic by some piece of malware, but that seemed unlikely, since I practice safe net hygene and haven’t been infected by anything in years, even when I’ve not been running anti-virus software.

Then I had a bright idea. I moved my taskbar from the right of the screen, where I like it, back to the default position at the bottom. Voila!

Under default conditions, the notification display slides up and stops above the horizontal taskbar. However, because my taskbar is on the right and stretches the full height of the screen, there is no way to get clear, so the notification flys away.

I guess I can see why its still in Beta.

*Update:* They finally fixed it!

Stupid iTunes Trick

I just loaded a couple of days worth of songs from SXSW into iTunes this weekend. I was careful to add them all to a playlist so I could find them again.

Now I’m trying to sync my iPod and it’s complained there isn’t enough room. So, what I’d like to do is uncheck all the songs in the playlist and tell iTunes only to sych checked songs, but as far as I can tell, there is no damn way to check or uncheck items in bulk.

Dumb, Apple. I guess I need to buy a bigger iPod, or not.

Update: Problem solved. I just have to open the help file, find the keyboard shortcuts, scan the list, and discover that control-clicking will do what I want.

Stupid Tech Forum Search Tricks

If you are going to set up a search engine to index tech content, like, say, a tech discussion forum, its really stupid to automatically exclude two or three letter terms from the index given the ubiquity of short acronyms. If you insist on dismissing short terms as being unlikely to generate a search result, I’d suggest a somewhat more intensive approach: compare the term to a dictionary of common english terms and only index the ones that don’t match.

George W. Bush: Bring Them On

Phillip Greenspun’s Weblog

George W. Bush today, the most powerful man in the world, directly addressed Iraqis who are sniping and firing grenades at American troops: “bring them on”, he taunted, according to this NYT story. As noted in my Boston-Alaska-Baja-Boston 2002 trip report, this seems like a bad idea. What better way to make a guy with an AK-47 feel important than by challenging him through a televised speech?And surely American boys will die as a result of this speech. It sounds like W. mano a mano with a young Muslim. But having been a passenger on an airplane that makes a carrier landing does not make our President into a front-line soldier. It will be some kid from North Carolina that gets killed.

He is exactly right. [thanks to for the link]