Stop Forcing Your Crippled Mobile Sites onto my iPhone

More and more sites are detecting iPhones and helpfully forcing them to use crippled mobile versions of their sites. In most cases, the inflicted version is a completely crippled version designed to be viewed on crappy mobile phone browsers (hello, Yahoo). In other cases it’s been nicely optimized for the iPhone except that it lacks 90% of the features of the main site (HELLO FACEBOOK).

Please, Please STOP. If you want to do me a favor by helping me find your underdeveloped mobile site at least give me an easy option for using your main site.

I bought an iPhone because I wanted access to the whole web from my phone. Forcing me into your half-assed mobile version is a step backwards and makes me hate you. I’m sure I am not the only one who feels this way.

Apple sucks ass

Apparently Apple has started inserting cryptographic checksums in the DB of music stored on iPods. This breaks 3rd party software for managing your iPod music library, tying the iPod to iTunes.

I’m sure there are a lot of bad reasons for implementing this, like keeping people from creating applications that let people share music directly between WiFi enabled iPod’s and iPhones.

I use iTunes, I own Apple stock, but really, this is complete customer hostile crap. Screw them.

“Shoot Em Up” is Superbad (and not in a good way)

We went to the movies tonight. I asked for tickets to “Shoot Em Up,” the girl in the box office gave me tickets to “Superbad.” I should have taken the hint. “Shoot Em Up” was terrible. I was bored in the first five minutes.

On the other hand, we saw “Superbad,” last weekend. It was foul-mouthed, hilarious, and sweet. Seeing it again would have been a much better way to spend our evening.

Instead, I feel dirty. “Shoot Em Up,” was soul-killingly stupid bullshit. I want to take the jaded 17 to 25 year old male morons it was designed to appeal to and beat them with an overgrown zucchini. Or I would if any of them had actually wasted the tip money from their job at Domino’s on the thing. The huge auditorium they showed the movie in was pretty much empty, and at least half the audience were people over 30 who are now no doubt questioning Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti latest career choices.

You have been warned.